Green guides

Welcome to the “Green Guides” page of! We are committed to promoting sustainable outdoor recreation and preserving the natural beauty of our ecoregions for future generations. That’s why we’ve created a series of “Green Guides” to help you enjoy the great outdoors in an environmentally responsible way.

Here are some of the guides we already have:

  • Green Guide to Bushwalking: Learn how to minimize your impact while exploring the wilderness on foot. From choosing the right trail to packing a responsible picnic, this guide will help you make the most of your bushwalking experience while leaving the smallest footprint possible.
  • Green Guide to Climbing & Abseiling: Whether you’re scaling a rock face or rappelling down a cliff, this guide will show you how to enjoy climbing and abseiling in a sustainable way. From choosing a climbing spot to minimizing your impact on the environment, we’ll cover everything you need to know.
  • Green Guide to Four Wheel Drivings: Enjoy off-road adventures without damaging the environment. This guide will help you choose the right trails, minimize your impact on the land, and have a safe and sustainable four-wheel-drive experience.
  • Green Guide to Freshwater Paddling: Whether you’re kayaking or canoeing, this guide will show you how to minimize your impact on freshwater environments. From choosing the right paddling location to packing a responsible picnic, we’ll help you make the most of your time on the water.
  • Green Guide To Mountain Biking: Take your biking adventures to the next level with this guide. Learn how to choose sustainable trails, minimize your impact on the environment, and have a safe and responsible mountain biking experience.
  • A Guide to Minimal Impact Sea Kayaking in Queensland: Explore the beautiful coastlines of Queensland in a sustainable way. This guide will show you how to choose the right kayaking spot, minimize your impact on the marine environment, and have a responsible sea kayaking experience.

We are constantly developing new outdoor activity guides, all following the principles of Leave No Trace (LNT), an international program dedicated to promoting sustainable outdoor recreation. Our aim is to provide you with the resources you need to enjoy the great outdoors while respecting and preserving our planet.