The Leave No Trace Program trains state and territorial land management agencies, rangers, and Indigenous people in minimal impact practices and planning, leading to VET qualifications.

Through the Working on Country programs, Indigenous rangers and ranger groups are actively preserving their lands.

Elders in the community guide the work plans of Indigenous rangers, and cultural and traditional knowledge is passed down from generation to generation to maintain cultural heritage. Both cultural and traditional knowledge and western technologies are utilized to complete work tasks.


The Leave No Trace movement is dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of Australia’s parks, wilderness areas, and other public lands. One of the ways they achieve this is through their Ranger Training Program. This program provides training and qualifications to state and territorial land management agencies, rangers, and Indigenous people in minimal impact practices and planning.

Indigenous Rangers: Preserving the Land and Culture

Indigenous rangers, through the Working on Country programs, are key players in preserving their lands. They work to ensure that traditional knowledge and cultural heritage are maintained and passed down from generation to generation. These rangers’ work plans are guided by elders in the community who share their knowledge and expertise on caring for the land.

A Unique Approach to Conservation

The Ranger Training Program takes a unique approach to conservation by combining cultural and traditional knowledge with western technologies. This combination of knowledge and skills is used to complete work tasks, resulting in a more effective and culturally sensitive approach to preserving the land.

Qualifications through the Ranger Training Program

Participants in the Ranger Training Program receive valuable Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications. This training is designed to equip rangers and land management agencies with the knowledge and skills they need to preserve public lands while minimizing their impact on the environment.


The Leave No Trace Ranger Training Program is a valuable opportunity for individuals and agencies involved in preserving public lands. The program provides training, qualifications, and a unique approach to conservation that combines cultural and traditional knowledge with western technologies. By participating in the program, rangers, land management agencies, and Indigenous people can play an active role in ensuring the continued preservation of Australia’s beautiful parks and wilderness areas.