The Leave No Trace Trainer Course is designed for outdoor professionals, including teachers, educators, guides, and agency employees. Participants in the Trainer Course gain the skills to teach Leave No Trace techniques and ethics to their clients, students, friends, and family.
The course covers the seven principles of Leave No Trace and teaches participants how to disseminate low impact skills in a variety of settings such as schools, camps, parks, and wilderness areas.
Awareness Workshop
An Awareness Workshop is a formal Leave No Trace presentation that is one day or less in length. The workshop can include a wide variety of programs, ranging from a 30-minute presentation to a full day workshop. These workshops are designed for a variety of groups, including educators, children, tertiary students, Scouts, outdoor professionals, trails and conservation crews, recreation club members, and others interested in Leave No Trace skills and ethics. The course leader for an Awareness Workshop can be a Leave No Trace Master Educator, a Leave No Trace Trainer, or another individual familiar with Leave No Trace.
How to Run a Trainer Course
Master Educators interested in running a Trainer Course can visit the Educational Resources page on vslnt.com for a list of documents to review and submit to Leave No Trace Australia prior to the course. They can also contact Leave No Trace Australia with any questions.
To submit your Trainer Course roster, click here. There is a $5 fee for lost or replacement certificates. Contact the Education Department for more information.
How to Post a Trainer Course
Master Educators who want to post a Trainer Course on the Leave No Trace Australia website can do so by emailing the Education Department with the following information or using the provided form:
- Location
- Date
- Intended Audience
- Cost
- Description
- Gear
- Contact/Registration Information
19-20 March, 2016 – Manjedal Activity Centre, Byford, Western Australia
27-28 Feb, 2016 – TBD (Possibly 1 Gumbooya and/or coastal area South)
7-8 May, 2016 – Manjedal
30-31 July, 2016 – Manjedal
29-30 Oct, 2016 – Manjedal
Cost: These courses will cost $30 per person and include food, badges and certificates. Participants will need to provide tents, bedding and gas cookers
Yours in Scouting
Corinne Seth Branch Leader Administration, Strategic Partnerships and Projects Scouts WA
E: admin.strategic@scoutswa.com.au