deep-sea shark with a sinister grin and bulging eyes

Terrifying deep-sea shark caught in Australia

The inhabitant of the ocean day was raised from a depth of 650 meters, experts noted that such species of the shark family are rarely hooked.

The other day, Australian fisherman Trapman Bermagi caught a deep-sea shark with a sinister grin and bulging eyes.

He shared his catch with subscribers on the social network Facebook. His ost about the inhabitant of the ocean depths caused thousands of responses on the social network.

The publication says that the animal was raised from a depth of 650 meters. “The face of a deep-sea shark,” the author captioned the photo, who told reporters in an interview that this species is common off the southeast coast of Australia and is usually found at depths below 400 meters. The sea animal weighs almost 15 kg, its length is one and a half meters.

Because these sharks live on the ocean floor, they are rarely caught. Users speculated that it was a cutter shark, but the angler shared a photo of a cutter shark and wrote that his latest catch looks different.

According to the fisherman, the rules existing on the Green Continent allow a certain number of sharks to be caught weekly, depending on the specific species.